TGIFF: Burn My Sage x2!!

In September of 2018, my mom and I got the chance to go on a retreat with a great bunch of ladies from the Southern California Stitchers group. It was one of those things that was just meant to be.

Through our Flosstube channel, a fellow Flosstuber, Heather, suggested we check out the Facebook group. In doing so, we learned they have a yearly retreat and we were just in time to sign up for it. And not a moment too soon! After we got into the group, we learned that the retreat we filling up fast and we took one of the last spots.

Now this is just all backstory for the beautiful pieces I’m about to share with you. Because it was during this retreat that I pulled out a new-to-me pattern by The Witchy Stitcher, one that my mom had already started.


My mom’s working station and her Burn My Sage project.

And it was at this time that I laid down a challenge with my mom that, even though she was much further along that I was on the same pattern, that I would finish before her.


My beginning…

This lit a fire.

The rest of the group got in on the encouragement as my mom and I worked side by side on the same pattern so see who would finish first. While she had a good start, I worked pretty consistently on this one project and by the time we left for home I had made a huge dent.

And that didn’t stop when I got home. This became my number one stitching project but all the while, my mom felt the need to heat up her stitching so she could finish what she had already start.


Dori’s finish.

Nothing but a little healthy competition. In the end, we completed our projects within a day of each other. Mom finished first and I happily took second.


My finished project.

We both need to FFO our finished projects but for now we can celebrate the finishing of the stitching portion of our Burn My Sage patterns. We love how they each came out just a tad bit different and the pattern was easy to read and understand.

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