Gettin’ It Done All By Himself (almost)!

A few years ago, my son asked if I could teach him to sew and piece a block. Oh he was a cute little thing then and really took to piecing the bright colors from a simple fabric kit I had bought.

Then a long lapse in time away from the craft room happened and about two years ago we got back to piecing his block and completing it.

He was pretty happy with his block but it didn’t keep his attention long enough to come back to it and do any more or anything else to that one block. What can I say,  Pokemon and soccer occupies the majority of his attention!

After along time collecting dust in the closet, he finally asked again to pull out that block and make something of it. He really wanted to quilt it himself especially after having watched a long arm machine run in a shop we had visited. Watching the beast of a machine smoothly lay down stitches in a beautiful swirling pattern was enough to inspire him.

So I sandwiched his block with some random fabric from my stash and some scrap of batting left over from a bigger project. He’s really into purple these days so finding a swatch of purple and black fabric was just what he wanted.

His quilting was simple. Using a walking foot, he echoed the colorful swatches in his block. I guided him here and there but for the most part he did the work all himself. He kept his speed low and simply walked along to quilt his block together.

He helped me trim his block but using the rotary blade has always been tough for him. I’m making a note to myself that he needs a blade that works for both right and left handed people.

I really wanted him to help with every part of the process so he pressed and arranged his binding strips after I sewed them together.

It took a bit of team work but he pinned the binding down and got himself all set up to sew it to his block.

That walking foot sure came in handy. Every time he sat at the machine, it was the only foot he used. I figured with all the fabric and the larger base on the foot to line up against the edge, it would all make it easier for him to get done what he needed.

At this point he informed me he wanted to hand stitch the binding. I was pretty impressed. That’s a big task to undertake! But I happily set him up and gave him some pointers until…


My poor kiddo. When will I ever learn that he’s a lefty!!! I mean I’ve only been his mom for 11 years!! I started him off in the direction a right handed person would sew but once I handed it to him, he realized that wasn’t going to work for him.

He gave it a good try but it just wasn’t turned right and he was more frustrated than anything. Trying to sew the binding upside down just wasn’t going to work. I apologized and promised I would get it right next time and decided to just have him finish it off on the machine.

And here is his very first finished block! Now he did help to make his Darth Vader quilt but I did the quilting and binding. This time, he did most of it himself with only some help from me.

He’s pretty stinking proud of his mish-mash block with flowers on the back and stripes on the front. It took him some time to finally feel the need to do something with it but in the end, he’s happy and I’m so proud.

17 thoughts on “Gettin’ It Done All By Himself (almost)!

  1. Hi Katie,
    Well, this is just awesome! He did a fabulous job, he stuck with it and finished it up. I’m so proud of him and you. Great job! ~smile~ Roseanne

  2. This is awesome! He did a GREAT job! I wish my kid would be so interested AND follow through. You must be so proud of him 🙂

  3. Please tell you son that he did a great job! My son wove a blanket for his tiger years ago when he was young and I was weaving. It’s so great to be able to share a little bit of our passion with our kids!

  4. I’m left handed and I think that if your son is going to use a rotary cutter in the future he needs one that is set up for lefties. On a straight Olfa cutter it’s easy because you can take the blade off and move it to the other side. Reserve the “lefty” cutter just for him. It would be hazardous for me to use a rotary cutter with my right hand. It is for him, too! Do you have a left-handed friend who could show him how to sew on binding left-handed? He’s off to a great start in sewing!

    • Thanks Anne! We did get him his own lefty cutter for his future projects and I can’t wait till he tries it and feels more comfortable. I do have a video from a male left handed quilter that can help us with his binding. I’ve been researching a lot to help set him up with more left handed tips

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